
A New Mexico where God is honored…

January 6, 2022

Dear Friends,

As we begin a new year, I want to take the opportunity to examine each unique and valuable piece of our vision here at Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico. Everything we do is with the purpose of seeing a New Mexico where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished. But, what does that really look like? It’s easy to spout beautiful words that stir the heart, but let us not get lost in the rhetoric of it all. Let us understand the value and depth of each aspect of our vision beginning with a New Mexico where God is honored.

It’s in our history

On January 15, 1912, our state’s first governor, William McDonald, concluded his inaugural address with these words:

“And now, trusting the Power that controls the destinies of men and nations, and the encouragement and inspiration that comes through the confidence of a generous people, I shall take up the work that with the blessing of the Almighty, I trust may redound to the benefit of our new state and to the good of the whole people.”

If we look at our nation’s founding documents and state constitutions, there are many common declarations and acknowledgments, including a solemn recognition of God’s existence and authority in our lives. Governor McDonald made a similar acknowledgment when he noted God’s sovereign control over the fate of people and nations, and affirmed a personal dependency on God for divine blessings and success.

But it’s been lost

Sadly, a dependency on God for divine blessings and success has been abandoned, and modern-day officials are motivated by self-importance, desire for power, and corrupted ideology. But, what if that could change? Imagine for a moment if our modern-day officials were motivated by the same truths of God’s authority, sovereignty and blessing, and, thus, inspired to pursue only those policies that would honor God. How might this change the direction of New Mexico?

As a state that sadly fails to protect life, struggles in education, continues to rise in crime, and seems to be foolish in its attempts at being wise, I think we can all agree that something is really wrong in New Mexico. And, maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the fact that we’ve left behind a dependency on God and have allowed our traditions, cultures, and values to be seized by those who disavow God’s existence and/or authority, and who seek to expel any remnant of God-honoring principles from our government, our schools, and even our homes.

At Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico, we are actively working to honor God by exercising our responsibility as the people of God to “stand firm and take action” (Daniel 11:32); to engage our culture and government; and to stand up for the Biblical values we share. We call this “unleashing citizenship” – and we encourage you to become a part of this movement of change!

Are you in? If so, please forward this message to 5 friends and encourage them to sign up for our email list by clicking here.

Can you picture it?  A New Mexico where God is honored? I can! And it’s beautiful.

For His honor,

Jodi Hendricks
Executive Director

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