Dear Friends,
There’s one thing that’s crystal clear on this year’s Florida ballot: If Amendment 4 passes, it will cost the lives of thousands of babies. That’s why we urge you to vote “NO” on Amendment 4 – to protect mothers and unborn life in Florida!
If you haven’t heard, Amendment 4 is on the ballot this November. It is a dangerous and deliberately deceptive amendment designed to enshrine a fundamental “right” to an abortion up to the moment of birth, for any reason, in the Florida state constitution. Its broad and undefined language would invalidate and repeal almost every commonsense law in Florida regulating abortion, making abortion the only medical service almost completely exempt from any health and safety regulations.
Unlike other Amendments, Amendment 4 does not define any of its key terms. For example, it does not define “viability,” “health care provider,” “patient’s health,” or how serious a health concern would need to be to allow exceptions for late-term abortions. These uncertainties would create loopholes resulting in more abortions later in pregnancy than voters intend.
Amendment 4 also destroys parental rights: it makes abortion the only medical procedure a child can undergo without her parent’s consent. This is the most pressing threat currently facing mothers and their unborn children in the Sunshine State.
Your voice is desperately needed to ensure Amendment 4 never becomes part of the Florida constitution. Along with our friends at Florida Family Voice, who are working tirelessly to defeat this amendment, we urge you to vote NO on Amendment 4.
Joseph Kohm III
Director, Public Policy
P.S. To find your polling place or to answer other voting questions, go to the Florida Division of Elections website.