

Looking for places to meet other pro-life champions? Or a way to raise your voice in defense of the defenseless? Explore our list of pro-life events happening around the nation.

Don’t see an event you can attend? We’ll update this page periodically, so be sure to check back. And, be sure to find out what’s happening in your state to make a difference there!

December 1, 2021

U.S. Supreme Court hears Dobbs challenge to Roe

The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments for a case that’s challenging Roe v. Wade.

December 1, 2021

Rally at the U.S. Supreme Court and online

Join pro-life organizations and groups from around the country as we rally to protect life.

January 2022

The next phase of the After Roe movement launches

The second phase of #AfterRoe has launched. Learn more about the way forward!.

January 21, 2022

National March for Life in Washington, DC

Come join and raise your voice at the largest human rights demonstration in the world. More information

January 22, 2022

49th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

On this somber day, consider sharing with your friends the vision for #AfterRoe, and why Roe must be overturned.

June 2022

Anticipated release of Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision

Keep an eye out for more information on how we’re responding!

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