
Help Save Girls’ Sports in Rhode Island!

March 24, 2021

Did you know? Before 1972, only one in 27 girls played sports, according to the Women’s Sports Foundation. Today, though, two in five girls play sports.

What changed? Importantly, Congress passed Title IX. This law prevents sex discrimination in education – including sports. That means that girls in federally funded schools can have equal access to their own sports teams, equipment, competitions, etc.

Thanks to increased funding and institutional opportunities, an article in the World Economic Forum reports that there has been “a 545% increase in the percentage of women playing college sports and a 990% increase in the percentages of women playing high school sport.”

But all this could be lost to young girls in Rhode Island.

Increasingly, there is a push to allow males who identify as female to compete in girls’ sports. That poses a problem: biological males naturally have greater muscle mass, bone density, and cardiovascular capacity than females, even when taking cross-sex hormones – not to mention obvious advantages like height. When males compete in girls’ sports, the competition can be over before it starts. Males end up taking championship titles, scholarships, and other opportunities reserved for females.

That’s not only unfair, but it undermines the work of those who fought to give girls equal access to their own sports teams in the first place.

Female athletes deserve a level playing field, and that means ensuring that all players are female. That’s why Senators Elaine Morgan, Jessica de la Cruz, Leonidas Raptakis, and Frank Lombardo III have introduced Senate Bill 0638, the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.”  The bipartisan bill makes a simple requirement: to compete in girls’ sports, you have to be a girl. It aims to protect girls’ sports and ensure that the next generation of female athletes have access to the hard-fought opportunities reserved for them.

This bill to Save Girls’ Sports will need your support to even make it to the floor for a vote. Be on the lookout in the weeks to come as we will share ways you can help take a stand!

Today, here are three action steps you can take:

  1. Get the facts. This an important subject and we want you to be well-informed. To help with this, Family Policy Alliance has partnered with Mike Stenhouse and the Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity. Mike will be interviewing the bill’s author Senator Elaine Morgan along with Dr. Michelle Cretella, the Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians.
    In addition to discussing the bill, they will share the scientific facts about men who feel they are women and are pursuing that via cross-sex hormones and surgeries. You can watch it LIVE here TODAY Wednesday, March 24th at 4 PM. It will also be recorded for later viewing.
  2. Join our Facebook group. Come join our Rhode Island Informed Parents Facebook Group! We are involved in saving girls’ sports and fighting against things like recreational marijuana and Comprehensive Sex Education in public schools.
  3. Consider giving to Family Policy Alliance’s efforts in Rhode Island. Every day we’re working to make Rhode Island a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished. We can only do it with your help and prayerful participation. Please consider a one-time gift or partnering with us monthly.

For a better Rhode Island,

Dave Aucoin
Chairman, Board of Directors – Rhode Island

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