
Here’s What Facebook Did to Family Policy Alliance

October 7, 2022

If you read Family Policy Alliance emails, you saw the news late last week.

California Governor Gavin Newsom approved a new law that will allow the state of California to acquire custody of children from other states in order to perform gender transition procedures on them, even if their parents object.

It really is tragic and unbelievably arrogant – but it gets worse.

You see, seemingly responsible adults at places like Facebook and their allied “fact checkers” who should also know better are choosing to ignore the dangerous truth about this new law.

And for political reasons, they go a step further to claim that the law does not do what it says.

You can see here where they have used the tools at their disposal to try to censor the information that we shared. By falsely alleging that we are “missing context” they are trying to convince readers that facts don’t matter and what California has done is perfectly normal.

This is why we need your help.

If you really look – Facebook never disputed what Family Policy Alliance wrote. Their “fact-check” was intended to create confusion in the minds of readers, but the headline of their “clarification” simply reaffirms what we stated.

California is brazenly taking custody of children, over their parents’ objections and the legal authority of their home states, in order to “transition” them.

Here is the headline from their “Fact Check” article.

But isn’t that what we’ve come to expect from social media giants courting liberal politicians?

They have a clear political agenda, and using a “fact check” to cast a negative cloud over the truth is one of their favorite tactics.

We need your help to push back.

We are up against a lucrative agenda that has enlisted the media, big tech, government, politicians, and even professional medical groups in efforts to normalize transgender procedures for children and to hide the truth about their harms. I hate to use the term brainwashing – but that really is their tactic.

That is why Family Policy Alliance needs your help.

Your gift today of $1000, $250, $100 – even $25 will help us continue push back with the truth against this misguided and destructive agenda.

Every dollar helps us push back the Facebook censors to reach more people, train our allies—including elected policymakers—in how to respond, and prepare other states to stop California from harming their children.

We expect other states to do the same thing that California has done, and we must be prepared to respond and act.

This is inside information…we have a plan (already in motion) to protect children and we need your help to keep the momentum going. Can you be a part of the movement to counter the tactics we face?

Join us today.


Robert Noland
Director of Audience Engagement

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