Each year, Christians across the world in various traditions set aside time during the Lenten Season, Holy Week and Easter Weekend to reflect on the life of Christ and to refocus our attention on His ultimate sacrifice for us.
This observance includes the darkness and heaviness of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. And, for just a brief time each year, we are invited to sit with that reality.
There’s no denying it: we live in a broken world. The business of everyday life easily fills our minds and calendars, and troubling headlines in the news can fill our hearts with fear. When Christ was on earth, He never promised that we would be free from the impact of sin on our world. In fact, that is the very reason for his coming to earth. We are in the world witnessing unnecessary loss, devastation from flooding and tornadoes, and depravity celebrated in our culture.
But, we are not of the world, as Jesus states in John 15, because we know the truth we will celebrate on Sunday—that Christ is alive and risen!
Christ conquered sin and death. He left glory to enter our sin-sick world, died the death we deserved, and then rose again in victory over death. And for those who trust in Christ, this is our hope. This is the truth that we celebrate not just on Easter, but every day.
No matter what distractions come our way or how many dark “Good Friday” or “Holy Saturday” moments occur, we can cling to the coming promise of Easter Sunday by daily choosing to refocus our attention on Christ and take heart!
“Take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
Though we sit with the darkness of Good Friday today, it will never out shadow the beauty of Easter Sunday! The team at Family Policy Alliance will be praying that each of you enjoy this Easter weekend with friends and family. We trust that this time of mourning Christ’s death and celebrating His resurrection will move you to live in the joy of Easter in the days to come.
God Bless,
Ruth Ward
Director, Government Affairs