
Strong start: 22,447 Comments Submitted!

June 20, 2023

22,447 Comments Submitted!

Family Policy Alliance is sharing your concerns with the Biden Administration.

When the federal government proposes changes to its administrative rules, citizens have the chance to respond. Here at FPA, we’ve made it simple for you to submit your comments – and you’ve delivered! In five separate proposed rules, FPA provided a sample message and notified each of you that you could send in a response. Thousands of you responded! See below for the final tally of how many comments you submitted.

THANK YOU for letting the administration know your concerns with these rules. Each time you raise your voice, you make a difference.

FPA also submitted five in-depth comments of our own on these proposed rules that you can view below.


In March, FPA submitted this comment to tell the administration that the Proposed Rule would open a pandora’s box for medical professionals who refuse to perform abortions. We also noted that the rule would strip strong conscience protections that the Trump administration established for medical professionals.

Comments YOU submitted: 6,277


Also in March, FPA submitted this comment to the Department of Education when they released a rule that would unfairly leave religious student organizations at risk of being compelled to speak or operate under a standard outside of their core beliefs or even being completely removed from their campus.

Comments YOU submitted: 4,182


In April, FPA submitted this comment opposed to the administration’s actions to revoke protections for organizations with non-religious moral objections to Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate. This proposed rule would also create a contraception funding scheme without protections to keep funds from being diverted to organizations like Planned Parenthood.

Comments YOU submitted: 2,726


In May, FPA submitted this comment in support of women and girls in sports, despite the administration’s attempt to force schools to include biological males in women’s sports. Thankfully, more than 20 states have passed bills to save girls’ sports, but the administration is now trying to sidestep those protections by this proposed rule.

Comments YOU submitted: 4,276


In June, FPA submitted this comment opposed to the administration’s attempts to redefine an unborn child as less than a human and reduce protections for women and children within the healthcare system. The rule would accomplish this by altering how doctors comply with HIPAA, the current law that protects patient privacy.

Comments YOU submitted: 4,986

For those of you counting, that’s a total of 22,447 comments!

The departments that release these proposed rules have a portal open for 30 to 60 days where the American public, including people like you and organizations like FPA, can make comments on rules.

It is extremely important that presidential administrations hear from people like you on how these rules will impact your everyday lives as they deliberate on how to finalize a proposed rule. We will continue to notify you of opportunities to speak out to the Biden Administration.

Please continue to stand, fight and make your voices heard!

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