The Biden Administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) just released a proposed guidance that includes two provisions for defining harassment in the workplace: pregnancy, including the decision to abort, and so-called “misgendering.”
The Commission is taking its orders from the Biden Administration’s radical gender playbook and bullying businesses and employees into denying biological realities and allowing men to use women’s restrooms.
To help us understand this radical guidance and other ways the administration is imposing radical pronoun policy, Roger Severino, the Vice President of Domestic Policy and The Joseph C. and Elizabeth A. Anderlik Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, will join FPA’s Director of Government Affairs, Ruth Ward, on our live podcast. The Pronoun Policy Police has no authority to force employees to adhere to Left-wing ideology.
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SoCocon Report or by clicking the image below.
10:30am PT / 11:30am MT / 12:30pm CT / 1:30pm ET
Push back on this proposed rule, by telling the EEOC not to adopt this proposed guidance!
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See you in the comments section!
Emma Rarden
Communications Specialist – Producer
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