Dear Friends,
We have a request for your help. This week, Senator Tim Scott introduced the Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act.
Parents know their children best and love them more than anyone else. But recent years have seen unprecedented attacks on parents’ fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children. The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act will ensure this fundamental right is not ignored or overruled by government officials simply because the government disagrees with the parents.
The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act will also protect parents’ rights to choose schools and make medical decisions for their children.
The U.S. Supreme Court has consistently recognized parental rights as fundamental, and this Act will ensure that courts treat parental rights with the highest legal standard of “strict scrutiny” when federal policies burden parental rights.
Along with our friends in the Promise to America’s Parents Coalition, we need your help to ensure Congress passes this Act and protects parental rights.
Send a message to your Congressional Representative today and tell them you expect them to sign on as cosponsor of the Families Rights’ and Responsibilities Act!
Getting as many cosponsors on the bill as possible will help ensure the House votes to pass it. Contacting your Representative only takes a minute in our Action Center; by doing so, you will ensure parental rights are protected in federal law.
For families,
Joseph Kohm
Director of Public Policy