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  • The Bible in Public Schools, with Joel Penton

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Wouldn’t it be great to see God honored more in our public schools? We often express concerns about policies impacting our children in local school settings but rarely seem to have answers to improve the spiritual lives of children.

Today, Craig is joined by a leader who is changing the environment in many of today’s public schools. Joel Penton is the Founder and CEO of LifeWise Academy, a program that provides Bible education to public school students during school hours.

Since its launch in 2019, LifeWise has quickly grown to serve hundreds of schools across the U.S. each week. Tens of thousands of public-school students attend a LifeWise program and receive a Bible class as part of their school day. Join us for this important discussion impacting the next generation.

Discover more about Joel Penton and LifeWise at https://lifewise.org/.

Get Joel’s book “During School Hours” at https://lifewise.org/during-school-hours-book/.

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