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  • Truth Exposed: How Pornography Fuels Sex Trafficking

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Is pornography related to the sex industry, prostitution, and sex trafficking?

The answer is a definitive YES. The connections are many—and concerning—for those seeking to protect families and children from harm and exploitation.

In this episode, FPA Director of Public Policy Joseph Kohm talks with Vice President of Impact for Exodus Cry Helen Taylor. Exodus Cry is an international organization committed to abolishing sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

Exodus Cry fights trafficking in three major ways: shifting culture through award-winning films that reach millions of viewers; launching viral advocacy campaigns (such as #Traffickinghub and #Protectchildrennotporn) and reaching out to victims and survivors of sexual exploitation, providing assistance and trauma therapy services.

Helen is the author of Exodus Cry’s Intervention Manual: A Guide for Reaching Those in the Sex Industry, utilized in 30 countries, and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Join us for this special podcast.

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