
October 27, 2021

Biden Administration Unveils New Gender Strategy Document

Amidst Parent Outrage, Biden Administration Unveils Radical Gender Strategy Document

Colorado Springs, CO- The nation’s parents are reeling, yet the Biden Administration refuses to listen. Late last week, in between two congressional hearings over a controversial Department of Justice memo, the Biden Administration released a new gender strategy document. The 42-page document, entitled “National Strategy on Gender Equality and Equity,” outlines the Administration’s promotion of a range of liberal priorities – including transgender policies – in schools, the workforce, and international efforts. The document also promotes abortion and the removal of the Hyde Amendment, meaning President Biden wants to force taxpayers to pay for abortion.

The document claims to promote the “safety, health, and well-being of women and girls in our nation and around the globe.”

Nicole Hudgens, Government Affairs for Family Policy Alliance stated,

“The Biden-Harris Administration blatantly refuses to listen to the American parents who are speaking up and standing against the very radical policies this Administration promotes.

This document promotes policies that allow males to identify as females – policies like the one that likely enabled a male to sexually assault a female student in Virginia.

This is yet another example of what we have known from day one: that this Administration is fast-tracking a radical gender agenda that is dangerous to children, parental rights, education, and the well-being of Americans. Thankfully, parents aren’t backing down and we will continue to stand with them against this radical agenda.”

The announcement of the document came on the heels of two incidents that have drawn national criticism and concern, particularly from parents.

This month, the nation learned of the sexual assault of a girl in Loudoun County, Virginia – by a male who was permitted to enter the girls’ restroom because of the Loudoun School district’s transgender policy. The policy expressly permits access to the bathrooms, locker rooms and other private spaces normally segregated based on sex. They also learned that the girl’s father was arrested after expressing his frustration over the incident at a school board meeting.

And just last week, a congressional hearing focused on a recent Department of Justice memo deploying the FBI in every federal district. The memo was an apparent response to parents standing up and speaking out against radical ideologies like gender theory, critical race theory, and more at their local school board meetings. The DOJ memo was markedly issued just days after the National School Board Association (NSBA) sent a letter to the White House calling out concerned parents—like the father in Loudoun—who spoke out against radical ideologies. The letter identified parents’ actions as “threats” and “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism.” Now, the NSBA Board says they “regret and apologize” for the letter. Several state school board associations have distanced themselves from NSBA since the initial letter.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland defended the Department of Justice’s memo in last week’s congressional hearing and said he “D[idn’t] know any of the facts of this case” regarding the Loudoun County scandal. Members of the House Judiciary Committee have since called for Attorney General Garland to withdraw the memo.

Today, Attorney General Garland is scheduled to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee and will likely be questioned about the memo.

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


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