
June 7, 2022

Family Policy Alliance Calls on Abortion Leaders to Condemn Recent Attacks

Buffalo, New York Pregnancy Center Firebombed Early this Morning

Colorado Springs, CO –With pro-life organizations being targeted in firebomb attacks since the leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization—including today in Buffalo, New York—Family Policy Alliance is calling on NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, National Abortion Federation, Guttmacher Institute, and Center for Reproductive Rights to condemn these violent attacks.

The attack on a pregnancy center in Buffalo today joined a growing list of violent acts toward pro-life groups in Oregon, Washington, Texas, Maryland, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Wisconsin Family Action is the state ally of Family Policy Alliance. A group called “Jane’s Revenge” has claimed responsibility for that attack, as well as the firebomb today in Buffalo.

With the nation on the precipice of a major constitutional decision from the Supreme Court regarding abortion, it is unconscionable for pro-abortion groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood to link arms with perpetrators of life-threatening violence against pro-life organizations. This axis of intimidation and violence must be addressed from the very top leaders in the pro-abortion movement.

Statement from Craig DeRoche, President and CEO of Family Policy Alliance:

“We are thankful no one has died as a result of these senseless attacks on pro-life organizations. Yet the attacks continue with a threatened ‘Night of Rage’ looming, and the nation hears crickets from leading abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL.

“We are calling on all national pro-abortion leaders to condemn and repudiate all violent acts against pro-life groups swiftly and definitively. The pattern of violence has now become clear. Failing to distance themselves from these tactics amounts to a nod of approval. These national leaders must act now to send a clear message that the violence and intolerance must stop.”

Rumors widely circulated on the internet point to a planned “Night of Rage” once the Supreme Court issues its ruling sometime this month. Family Policy Alliance is calling on all leaders of national pro-abortion organizations to denounce any such plans and to appeal to their supporters to not engage in violent, life-threatening tactics.


Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com

Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promotes public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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