
July 29, 2020


Family Policy Alliance Applauds Female Athletes’ Letter to NCAA

The letter, signed by over 300 athletes, calls on the NCAA to keep its events in Idaho following new law to protect female athletes

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado— Family Policy Alliance, a national pro-family ministry, applauds the inspiring female athletes who today sent a letter to the NCAA in support of Idaho’s Fairness in Women’s Sports Act. The newly signed law requires that girls’ sports be reserved for biological girls, a provision that ensures female athletes have fair and equal opportunity at athletic titles, scholarships, and other elite opportunities. While the ACLU and its allies have pressured the NCAA to ban its events in Idaho because of the law, today’s letter sends a strong message that female athletes want these protections and would support the NCAA in a decision to continue its events in the state.

Family Policy Alliance recently organized its own letter to the NCAA signed by thousands of individuals – both athletes and concerned citizens – urging the NCAA not to bow to the ACLU’s  bullying demands. More broadly, Family Policy Alliance has led the charge to Save Girls’ Sports in Idaho and beyond, including playing a key role in the passage of Idaho’s new law. The organization has garnered thousands of signatures on a separate petition asking state leaders to follow Idaho’s lead in passing laws that Save Girls’ Sports. Family Policy Alliance plans to promote similar legislative efforts in additional states.

Family Policy Alliance thanks Alliance Defending Freedom and Save Women’s Sports for their work gathering signatures for this letter, and hopes that the NCAA will respond by continuing its events in Idaho. No matter what, Family Policy Alliance will continue to stand for female athletes in Idaho and beyond.

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance works to advance biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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