
February 25, 2022

Supreme Court Nominee Could Influence Family, Life

Despite our nation’s focus on Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, today will be a significant day for U.S. policy and jurisprudence as well. This afternoon, President Biden announced Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as his U.S. Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer.

If confirmed, Judge Jackson’s decisions will significantly impact life, families, and religious freedom in our country.  The U.S. Supreme Court has recently ruled on key cases in each of these areas, and this trend will continue. As an associate justice, Judge Jackson would likely sit on the bench for an important religious freedom case the Court has already agreed to hear in the next term – and a lifetime of a cases on other key constitutional issues that impact everyday life for American families.

Family Policy Alliance will be closely watching the confirmation process and seeking to understand how Judge Jackson would handle these critical issues.

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promotes public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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