
October 20, 2022

Pentagon Lethally Targets Innocent American Babies

The Pentagon has announced it will pay for travel for service members’ abortions

Family Policy Alliance’s Director of Public Policy and U.S. Army Veteran, Joseph Kohm, responded:

“At times, Pentagon leadership directs our armed forces to lethally target enemy combatants in defense of America. Today, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is hijacking the Pentagon to lethally target innocent American babies in a purely political move. It becomes clearer every day that the President and his party’s leadership believe that Americans want nothing more than taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand, up to the moment of birth. They think this will save the 2022 election for them, but they couldn’t be more wrong or more obviously desperate. Neither our national defense nor our mothers and children deserve such treatment from those entrusted with safeguarding America. Their rebuke at the ballot box is coming.”

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance advances biblical citizenship and promotes public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.



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