

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”

— JEREMIAH 29:12 —

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

— JAMES 5:16B —

We believe in the power of prayer!

Men and women serving in public office are continually bombarded with competing interests, complex decisions, constant requests of their time and presence… all the while facing pressure to compromise their values and succumb to temptation.

At Family Policy Foundation, we endeavor to stand in the gap for statesmen through corporate prayer, individual connections to other statesmen, and the provision of ongoing, practical resources and training.

We invite you to join us in this work! Statesmen and stateswomen need our prayers.

Will you commit to praying consistently for one or more Statesmen Academy alumni? If so, Family Policy Foundation will contact you privately with the name of your statesman or stateswoman. We will seek to partner you with an alumnus serving in office in your state or region.

All Praying Partners will receive regular email updates from Family Policy Foundation on Statesmen Academy news – including Academy recruitment and planning, alumni accomplishments and career moves, statesmen events and webinars, and more!

“Christians often feel very alone and outnumbered in this world. In politics it seems even worse, like boxing at the wind; however, my experience at the Statesman Academy showed me that I am not alone. The Academy proved to me that there are other people of faith, devoted to the promulgation of Christian values in politics in our country. My experience at the Statesman Academy gave me renewed vision, passion and energy to continue my fight in the corner where I live for the sake of Christ.”


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