2024 Statesmen Academy and Family Policy Council Conference
Statesmen Academy Impact is Impressive and Growing
Our success is measured first in the vibrancy of our alumni community and alumni engagement with Family Policy Alliance Foundation. Additionally, each year, 40 or more statesmen are added to the ranks of those inside the political system working to advance social conservative principles in the states and at the federal level. FPAF supports and encourages Statesmen alumni before or after their first election to office, when they advance in leadership in their present chamber, or after they secure higher political office—all in an effort to transform our political system from the inside!
To support the continued growth and impact of Statesmen Academy alumni, Family Policy Alliance Foundation provides frequent virtual trainings for legislators throughout the year. These events include the "Session Pre-Game Series" in which FPAF shares model legislation and other resources to prepare statesmen for the upcoming legislative session; "Alumni Leadership Series" during which FPAF provides soft skills trainings; coalition calls, communication trainings, and a variety of other ongoing education. All virtual training session recordings and related resources are available exclusively to Statesmen Academy alumni on the FPAF TRAINING WEBSITE.*
*Statesmen Academy alumni needing assistance with their log-in or password for the FPAF Training Website should email statesmen@familypolicyfoundation.com for assistance.
— Since 2016 —

— In 2022 —

— In 2016 —
“I was truly blessed and encouraged by the event. I came thirsty for just the type of content offered – God-centered governing with optimism and prudence. Christian legislators are in dire need of this type of strengthening.”
Statesmen Academy Graduates Make a Difference
Here is just a sampling of their life-affirming, pro-family legislation accomplishments.
Representatives Ed Setzler, Jodi Lott and Josh Bonner sponsored the first successful Heartbeat law in the nation in 2019. Georgia’s H.B. 481 protects the right to life of preborn children with a detectable heartbeat (as early as 6 weeks gestation). Upon signature by Governor Brian Kemp in 2019, the law was blocked and later enjoined by a district court, preventing it from going into effect. But after Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, the law went into effect and remains so today.
Representatives Scott Sanford and Matt Schaefer cosponsored the Texas Heartbeat Bill in . The bill prohibits an abortion after a baby’s heartbeat is detectable (with exceptions for the life and health of the mother) and creates civil liability for any person who performs or helps facilitate an illegal abortion. The legislation passed the Texas Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott in 2021.
In 2021, Representative Robin Lundstrum of Arkansas was the first to author Help Not Harm, the legislation drafted by Family Policy Alliance to protect children from transgender drugs and surgeries. Since then, FPA has been instrumental in assisting 20 more states – including 18 in 2023 alone – to prohibit destructive and life-altering drugs and surgeries on minors. Among those are bills led by Statesmen Academy alumni Representative Joanna King (IN), Representative Jennifer Decker (KY), Representative Bethany Soye (SD), Representative Kathleen Kauth (NE), and Representative Susan Humphries (KS). While Kansas fell one vote short of a veto override on its bill, 20% of all Help Not Harm laws were enacted by overriding a governor’s veto – a great testament to the courageous leadership of state legislators.
Statesmen Academy alumni Representatives Randy Bridges, Jennifer Decker, Shawn McPherson, and Jason Petrie of Kentucky sponsored bold legislation to establish guardrails around abortion procedures in 2022. H.B. 3 includes provisions to prohibit abortions after fifteen weeks gestation (with a medical emergencies exception), require written parental consent for minor abortions, prohibit the prescription or distribution of abortion-inducing drugs by mail, and more. This legislation became law in 2022 after the General Assembly passed the bill and overrode Governor Andy Beshear’s veto.
Representative Josh Bonner of Georgia sponsored a Parents’ Bill of Rights (H.B. 1178) which outlines the fundamental rights of parents, gives parents access to instructional materials used by their child’s school and requires that schools promote parental involvement. This legislation was approved by the Georgia General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp in 2022.
Statesmen Academy alumnus and Speaker of the House Ben Toma was also instrumental in passing the “gold standard” of parental rights legislation in Arizona. In 2022, the Arizona legislature passed and the governor signed H.B. 2161 which includes a robust cause of action for parents as well as provisions that affirm parental rights in medical and education records, school surveys and curriculum, and more.
Senator Suzanne Geist of Nebraska courageously sponsored the Dismemberment Abortion Ban Act. This bill prohibits the gruesome abortion procedure in which babies are dismembered and killed in the womb. Governor Pete Ricketts signed the legislation into law at a memorable outdoor signing ceremony in 2020.
Texas Representative Scott Sanford was a primary sponsor of the 2019 bill to protect faith-based businesses and individuals from adverse actions based on their religious affiliations. The bill was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott in 2019.
Representative Susan Humphries carried the Kansas law to preserve the religious freedom of faith-based adoption agencies. It was signed into law in 2018.
Representative Derek Merrin introduced the Ohio law to prohibit abortion based on a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis. It was signed into law in 2017. (The law was appealed to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and finally upheld by the Court in April 2021.)
Your Support is Crucial in Making a Difference
Your generous financial support will train up a vibrant and effective community of Statesmen and Stateswomen committed to a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.
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