Dear Friends,
The pushback on Twitter is off to a roaring start! After Twitter shut down our partners at Focus on the Family simply for stating a biological fact, you helped to expose what Twitter did and to push back in a huge way.
Already, the Family Policy Alliance tweet that challenged Twitter with the question, #AreWeNext, has been shared by many members of Congress, national and state leaders, and concerned citizens – and has been seen well over half a million times on Twitter.
But still, Twitter continues to block Focus on the Family from access to their Daily Citizen Twitter account – just for appropriately and accurately stating that a Biden appointee who identifies as transgender is “a man who believes he’s a woman.”
Will you help us turn up the heat on Twitter? Already, more than 10,000 Americans (including perhaps you!) have signed the petition to Twitter, but that number needs to grow in a big way.
We are urgently asking our friends and supporters for a special donation today to ratchet up the pressure on Twitter. Special funding is needed for digital ads, texting campaigns and more – to directly reach out to citizens and mobilize a grassroots army of Americans who care about freedom to speak the truth!
Will you contribute towards our goal of $15,000? Every gift – big or small – will make a real difference in this effort.
As you’ve seen from our emails, there is no shortage of policy battles that we are in the middle of in D.C. and around the country. But this action from Twitter cannot be allowed to stand. We cannot allow Big Tech to perceive that the American people will let them get away with shutting down the basic truth.
The momentum in this effort is exciting! Just today, other news outlets such as The Daily Wire have reported on our effort, and more national leaders are speaking out.
But it’s critical that we engage with a focused campaign to keep this in the headlines and mobilize vast numbers of Americans. Will you help make that happen with your gift today?
Yours for freedom to speak the truth,
John Paulton
Mobilization Manager
P.S. What’s at stake is more than just one organization’s Twitter account. This is the battle for freedom of speech in our culture that is so impacted by a handful of Big Tech companies. Please help rally Americans to push back with your gift today!