
Pelosi’s Low Opinion of the Defense of America

September 22, 2021



I just wanted to let you know what is happening in Washington, DC today.

Nancy Pelosi’s House is considering measures like funding Big Marijuana and drafting our daughters into war as top priorities for our country’s national defense. Using critical issues like our national defense as opportunistic tools to merely advance a ‘woke’ political agenda harms the country, the families our troops protect, and our armed forces themselves.

Below is the statement that Family Policy Alliance released this morning.

Autumn Leva
Vice President for Strategy


September 22, 2021

Pelosi’s Low Opinion of the Defense of America

Pelosi’s Priorities for American Defense Include Funding for Big Marijuana & Drafting America’s Daughters into War


WASHINGTON, D.C.– Family Policy Alliance opposes unnecessary and harmful provisions of the version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) being considered by the House today, including those that fund the Big Marijuana industry, draft American daughters into war, and insert woke LGBT ideology.

Family Policy Alliance’s Vice President of Strategy, Autumn Leva, criticized the low priority Pelosi’s House makes of America’s national defense:

“Nancy Pelosi’s priorities for defending American families boil down to funding the largely illegal and bloated Big Pot industry, drafting our daughters into war, and carrying the banner for the woke LGBT agenda. It’s a sad commentary on the low value she places on our country’s defense. America deserves better. Our families deserve better. And our troops certainly deserve better.”

ROsei the RIveter padded LAn amendment added to the NDAA would “cancel Rosie the Riveter” by requiring America’s daughters to register for the draft has already caused controversy and concern. The language remains a point of contention as the House takes up the NDAA.

Marijuana bearsLate last night, the House added another nonsensical amendment to the NDAA known as the un-“SAFE Banking Act” that would financially legitimize the marijuana industry without regard to the proven public health risks of marijuana use, through vaping in particular. The Act comes forward despite the increase in illness and death related to vaping and warnings from both The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Finally, the version of the NDAA being considered by the House also includes controversial “Equality Act” language, as well as supports critical race theory—a wildly unpopular idea causing controversy in America’s public schools.

These amendments clearly have nothing to do with the defense of America or the support of American troops. Family Policy Alliance opposes the language of these amendments and is actively lobbying both the House and Senate to fight for the removal of the harmful language.

Media Contact:

Robert Noland, (719) 308-2822, Media@FamilyPolicyAlliance.com


Family Policy Alliance is an alliance-building ministry that works to advance biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.


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