
FOR LINCOLN VOTERS: Let Us Vote! Sign the Petition In-Person to Halt Radical Bathroom Ordinance

February 19, 2022

On February 14th, the Lincoln City Council adopted a broad 67-page ordinance redefining “sex” to mean “male, female, neither, or both,” including but “not limited to sexual orientation and gender identity” in an entire section of the city’s municipal code.

Every person should be treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, coercive sexual orientation and gender identity ordinances undermine both fairness and freedom.

These policies are used to:

  • Force a destructive gender ideology on society
  • Require that biological men—who profess a female identity—be permitted to access women’s bathrooms and locker rooms
  • Threaten business owners with devastating financial liability
  • Empower the government to punish citizens with Biblical beliefs on marriage and human sexuality

The ordinance passed by the city council ignores common sense by giving men who claim to be female unfettered access to intimate places designated for women—including showers, locker rooms, and restrooms—at businesses, gyms, private schools, youth sports leagues, and even churches.


In response to this dangerous overreach, Nebraska Family Alliance filed a referendum petition to repeal the ordinance or put it to a vote of the people and launched an aggressive, citywide grassroots campaign aimed at mobilizing registered voters in the City of Lincoln to sign the petition.

No person should be charged with devastating fines ranging from $10,000-$50,000 by an unelected commission for simply upholding the privacy rights of women and girls in bathrooms and changing rooms.


The Lincoln City Charter gives Lincoln voters just 15 days to collect the needed 4,137 signatures. The petition must be signed in person by Monday, February 28th at 5 PM.

Visit the Nebraska Family Alliance office at 1106 E Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, 8:30 AM to 7 PM on weekdays, 8 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, and 1 PM to 6 PM on Sunday to sign the petition, and encourage your friends, neighbors, and family members to sign the petition before February 28th.

Thank you for taking action!

John Paulton
Vice President, State Alliances

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