Under God, One Nation
At this time of unprecedented turmoil and change across the globe and here in our nation, Family Policy Alliance invites you to join us for regular, consistent prayer for issues of local, national and global significance.
We know our Pledge of Allegiance says “…one nation under God,” but we’d like to refocus that. It’s time to emphasize the Under God part. We are only a nation because of God. We engage in our form of government because of God, and we’re all subject to God first in how we engage and behave in our nation and form of government.
We hope you will join us in praying for issues affecting our country today and also by signing up for our Under God, One Nation prayer initiative and rallying cry for the family of believers in our country.

Sign up to pray with thousands of others!
Whether you want to pray daily or weekly, we have made it easy to pick a regular time when you can consistently join us in prayer for our nation. We will send out periodic prayer lists as events and issues emerge in the coming week and months.

Prayer Updates
Click below for our regular prayer updates.
Let’s Keep Praying…
Under God, One Nation.

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