
ALERT – Urge Congress to OPPOSE HR 4521!

February 3, 2022


Tomorrow, the House will vote on H.R. 4521, the “America C.O.M.P.E.T.E.S. Act.” This nearly 3,000-page bill is supposed to help Americans compete economically with nations like China.

But instead of actually helping American workers, this legislation is a Trojan horse containing elements of the so-called “Build Back Better Act,” critical race theory, climate change, and yes, Equality Act language to promote radical LGBT ideology.

Earlier this week, we shared with you that you are making a difference stopping bills like the Equality Act and pushing back against the Left’s desperate attempts to impose Woke DC on the rest of America.

The Left knows many Americans oppose their radical ideologies. And when they don’t get their way, they try to force their agenda through as many bills as possible in Congress.

H.R. 4521 is one of nearly a hundred bills in Congress that the Left is using to force gender ideology on our nation, all at American taxpayer’s expense.

Please tell your Member of Congress to OPPOSE HR 4521 in our Action Center here! Your voice is making the difference and we need your help again!

For Family and Freedom,

Nicole Hudgens
Government Affairs



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