
BREAKING: Biden Signs Same-Sex Marriage Bill

December 13, 2022

New law targets faith-based organizations just before Christmas

BREAKING NEWS: President Biden just signed H.R. 8404 into law, codifying same-sex marriage in federal law.

How is this different from the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges?

First, this new law goes much further than the Supreme Court ruling. While the Supreme Court ruling recognized same-sex marriage, the new law threatens religious freedom in new ways. Here’s what our CEO and President Craig DeRoche had to say:

“For the last two years, we’ve seen repeatedly how the Biden Administration pits itself against the American people. Today, President Biden has gone even further by positioning himself against people of faith at Christmastime.

“The so-called religious freedom protections contained within this bill are little more than fig leaves. In reality, this bill could force faith-based adoption agencies to close, silence anyone with a moral objection to same-sex marriage, and target those who dare to disagree.

“While the Biden Administration and their allies in Congress made this signing ceremony about equality, they fail to understand that Americans with sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage will not waiver in their convictions –regardless of the passage of this new law. In the name of acceptance, the Biden Administration has chosen to alienate millions of Americans.”

The second difference from the court ruling is that this law will be harder to undo. If you’ve followed the pro-life movement, you know that it took us nearly 50 years to get Roe v. Wade overturned (and we still have much more work to do in the states). However, that was “just” a court case that could be overturned by another court case. Today, President Biden has signed an actual law passed by both chambers of Congress.

Imagine if Roe v. Wade had been made a federal law.

It will take time to change hearts and minds on this issue. But, we are hardly the first Christians in history to have to stand out from a distinctly un-Christian culture. In fact, we are specifically called to be a light in the darkness and salt on the earth (Matthew 5:13-14). Here at Family Policy Alliance, we see this as a continued opportunity to live that out.

What can I do to help?

At Family Policy Alliance, we are always looking for ways to protect your religious freedom, whether that’s by standing for First Amendment rights at the federal level or working with Family Policy Councils in the states. If you want to help ensure religious freedom for generations to come, please partner with us. We take care to steward each gift well to help advance our vision of a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.

And, stay in prayer. Our nation is at a critical juncture. Even as the Biden Administration and its allies use federal policy to advance radical agendas, across the states family values are gaining traction like never before. Please pray for the continued success of these efforts.


Autumn Leva,
Sr. VP, Strategy





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